Wint joins World Water Week in a call for collaborative solutions to global water crisis

WINT Water Intelligence, a leader in cutting-edge water management, leak detection and water damage mitigation solutions, challenges stakeholders and governmental institutions to prioritize the management of water in real estate and address some of the most unnoticed sources of water waste.

Commercial buildings and institutional facilities consume 17% of the public freshwater supply in the United States and are also significant sources of waste. Up to 25% of that water is ultimately wasted due to the lack of proper monitoring and management of water.

A strategic approach to water management using artificial intelligence (AI), signal processing technology and deep data insights can help organizations reduce waste, cut costs, mitigate risk and meet sustainability goals.  

WINT joins the concerns of experts gathering in Sweden Aug. 25–29 for World Water Week, an international conference on global water use, where trailblazers from all over the world share new ideas, learn from each other and collaborate on innovative solutions.

"Water is an essential resource, but we don't have an unlimited supply," said Yaron Dycian, chief product and strategy officer for WINT. "The global water system is under increasing stress. Water cooperation is the key to long-term water security and ensuring everyone has access to adequate supplies of clean, safe water. At WINT, we're committed to working with thought leaders and decision-makers to develop and implement innovative strategies and technological solutions for the world's water supply."

According to the United Nations World Water Development Report, droughts affect more than 1.4 billion people. As of 2022, roughly half of the world's population experienced severe water scarcity for at least part of the year, while one quarter faced 'extremely high' levels of water stress, using over 80% of their annual renewable freshwater supply.


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